Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The kittens' activity of choice...

Is sleeping.  They are cats, after all!  They play hard, and then they sleep hard.  See below.  Also, this is a pretty good record of their growth.  The (many!) photos go from the beginning of March to the end of March.  They have definitely gotten bigger!

Not a dogpile, but a cat pile!

Whiskers and Hayden

Snowy in the cat tree

They won't be able to do this together much longer!

Whiskers stretching out a bit more than usual!

Whiskers is a lovebug.

Snowy helping Jason work.

My little Ewok cat, Whiskers!

Another happy Friday night (I can tell because we wear our spirit wear every Friday!)

Snowy joined in on bedtime stories one night.

Snowy is the most relaxed cat!

My dog cat, sleeping on my lap.

Lazy Snowy again!

Mid-month here--see how they are growing?  The 3 boys were escaping the chaos of 15 friends over for lunch.

Bryce and Mr. Relaxation

A very good shot of the difference in size between these two!

My buddy, Snowy

Again, Snowy knows how to relax!

Whiskers relaxes too, but usually curled up.

Giant Snowy foot--he's the St. Bernard puppy of kittens!

My sweet dog cat on my lap again.
Sweet Whiskers!
Bryce joined Whiskers on the couch

Late in the month, Whiskers in my arms another Friday night.  See how he's getting longer?


  1. I love all the new pictures! They are getting so big! (the kids too!)
    How is that book I see in your other post, "turtle Paradise"?? I'm looking for a suggestion for our book club, and I'm getting desperate! LOL

  2. They are SO CUTE!!!!!! I love all the pics. :) Our Macy sleeps on my hubby's lap each day while he works too. Love lap cats!
