Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Key to Whiskers' Undoing

I found out the other day, very much by accident, that Whiskers' favorite food in the entire world is...Greek yogurt.  He darn near attacked me when I tried to have yogurt and granola for breakfast the other morning, climbing me and sniffing my mouth.  I put a little on my finger, thinking he would lick if off delicately like he does cream--and he BIT me!  Do not get between Whiskers and his yogurt!!  Ow!!  Since then, I have been smashing up his food and putting it in yogurt, but he still likes plain yogurt best.  It is just wild to see him actually excited about eating for a change!  He eats a little all day long, usually food soaked in cream, but he goes after the yogurt like he hasn't eaten in weeks.  Better yet, Snowy doesn't like yogurt and mostly leaves Whiskers alone when he eats it. (Incidentally, the probiotics in yogurt are supposed to help with tear stains, which Whiskers has in abundance, so I am supportive of his new obsession.)

But there is now a Part 2 to this story.  Once again, very much by accident, I found another food Whiskers LOVES.  I sat down early this morning to have coffee and leftover Hawaiian sweet bread I made yesterday--and Whiskers went insane!  He climbed my legs (owwwww!!) and cried and DEMANDED I share.  Better yet, when he was eating, he growled a warning to anyone (uh, Snowy) who might try to come steal his food.  It was very funny.  See videos below.  Now if I could just get him as enthusiastic about cat food as he is about yogurt and sweet bread!! :)

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