Wednesday, March 6, 2013

First Vet Visit

The kittens were not thrilled with the car ride (at ALL) but were very curious exploring the vet office.  After having a cat we had to literally pry out of the carrier, it was so funny to have two kittens who couldn't wait to get out and explore!  They are both super healthy and charmed the staff.  Whiskers now weighs 2.5 lbs (a 1 lb. gain since his 8 week appt.!) and Snowy clocked in at 3.5 pounds, so he gained just over a pound in 4 weeks. Snowy did awesome with the shots, did not make a peep, but Whiskers cried so loudly it almost made ME cry. :(  I know it is to keep them healthy and very important, but I felt terrible.  They did fine with the checkup portion, were not afraid of Dr. Craig at all.  We love our vet!!

After the vet visit, the kittens got to meet our friend Shannon.  They played for a while and then have been sleeping away the afternoon.  Here are LOTS of photos from the day.

As when they arrived at our house, Whiskers was the first one out.  But Snowy was close behind!


There was an emergency prior to our visit so we had to wait a bit.  I made paper balls for the kittens to bat at.

Snowy became increasingly agitated, so I put the fellas back in the box to chill out.  See his sad little meow face? :(

Another paper toy I devised.  I know, I know--I should go into the cat toy business.

Whiskers did NOT like the stethoscope so Tovah had to count his heartbeats the old fashioned way.
Dr. Craig checked on Snowy first and pronounced him to be big and healthy.

Then it was Whiskers' turn.

Open up and say Ahhhh!

Just chillin', waiting for their shots.

Snowy could barely stay awake!

Seriously--how cute is this cat?

Can you imagine feeling this relaxed at YOUR doctor? :)

Bryce's drawing of the day--Whiskers on his lap and Snowy beside him. :)

Shannon and Snowy.

Sleepy Whiskers.

Whiskers on my desk and Bryce playing with him with a green mouse.

The boys how we found them after karate class.  Rough day, clearly. ;)


  1. I am absolutely loving your blog. I think I need a kitten... really really do!!

  2. Wendy, you don't need a kitten.

    You need TWO kittens. ;)
