Saturday, February 23, 2013


Brave little Whiskers was the first one out.

Hayden tracked his nosey little self around the house.  Love how they are checking each other out here!

Meanwhile, timid Snowy stayed where he felt safe.

Whiskers and Hayden

Finally, Snowy cautiously climbed out of the carrier.

Hayden and Whiskers

Hayden and Whiskers

Hayden and Whiskers again!

Hayden playing with Whiskers and Snowy coming to see what was going on.

Though Whiskers is the brave one, Snowy was the first to get on the cat tree!

Where's Snowy?

Bryce finally corralled Snowy--for 2 seconds.

Snowy back in the cat tree.

Bryce tried so hard to coax Snowy out!

Snowy did bat at the toy--but didn't come out.

Meanwhile, Whiskers was providing much entertainment.

Both babies in the cat tree.


Just what Hayden needed.

We tuckered Whiskers out finally.

And Snowy hid under the bookcase again, and fell asleep there.

Whiskers woke up for a few minutes!

Look at that face!
Hayden and sleepy Whiskers.

Goodnight, Whiskers.
Whiskers woke up again!  I know this is blurry, but still so sweet!

I think perhaps Whiskers should have been named Mischief.

Time for a little more food.

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