Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 2

I have been sick and not sleeping well.  I gave up on sleep Sunday morning at about 4:30 and went to get the kittens.  They were very sleepy, all cuddled up together, but didn't take too long before they were reanimated.  I keep thinking how much they are like human babies in the way they sleep, eat and play over and over, all day long.  And just like human babies, I turned my back on them that morning to check my email and pretty soon I realized it was awfully quiet and the kittens were missing.  My plan (note, MY plan, not the kittens' plan) was to keep them downstairs only the first week, so they had time to settle in.  So of course, where did I find them?
See movie below, also!

There were not stairs in the home they came from, but they figured out the concept pretty quickly and then spent the next half hour running up and down the stairs, wrestling and playing in between.

They were so cute I actually woke Hayden up at 5 a.m. so she could see, too.  She played with both kittens for the next hour and a half straight, and then everyone was tired.
Hayden and Whiskers

Snowy sleeping in the cat tree

After a little nap, Bryce was up and SO happy to see that Snowy was out.

I camped out on the couch most of the day and the kids and the kittens stayed close.

They played more, and they slept more.
Snowy in the pillow house Bryce made him


Bryce drew this while the kittens were napping.  Him and both kittens. :)

The ever popular cat tree again!
This paper bag that came in the Sunday paper has been a HUGE hit.
How long do you think we'll be able to hold both of them at once like this? :)

And then when the kids went to bed it was our turn again.
Snowy blends right in, doesn't he? ;)


  1. Melissa, they are ADORABLE!!! Keep the pics coming - and the videos. Adam was just watching them with me and he thinks they are soooo cute!

  2. I miss you guys and I love the stair video and paper bag. It's so quiet without you guys even though we still have 3 kittens here! Lots of love!

    -Simone Romey
